Speed Painting
A Speed Painting Assembly/Program consists of a 3-tiered approach, utilizing art, literature and music to tell a
story, learning about its author and circumstances and creating a memory of it by adding audio and visual aspects,
watching an image of the story come to life in a matter of 5 to 6 minutes. This type of program is not only limited
to a pre-existing story or book, but it can also be themed around a current issue or popular topic (such as bullying,
self-esteem, caring, leadership, Biblical stories ...).
Virtually any book or topic can be presented in a speed painting assembly.

All programs are for educational purposes only. They are fun, unconventional and interactive. The programs
explain origins, historic value and fun facts in a different way, allowing children to learn without lecture, and with
the help of visual and audio senses in combination. A final speed painting (a full 5’x 5’ canvas mounted on a
rotating easel) is created at the end of each program, which makes the given information more retain-able, and –
a very cool experience!
For questions and pricing at your location
Examples of Elementary Programs

The Lorax, the keeper of nature, is slowly pushed away by the Once-ler, a greedy businessman with no regard for the environment, or for the animals living in it. The Once-ler learns a message the hard way and brings a powerful message to us about being mindful of our environment.